Forest School First Aid Course
Are you a Forest School Leader, an Outdoor Learning practitioner, a Countryside Ranger or a Teacher who leads outdoor learning sessions in the school grounds and beyond? If so then the two day Forest School first aid course is for you.
The forest school first aid course is designed specifically for those working in a Forest School or Outdoor Learning environment. You may be working in the school grounds, in a local woodland, in a park or a nature reserve. In these settings it may take a little while for emergency help to get to you so you will learn how to look after your casualty in the outdoors. You will develop knowledge, understanding and confidence in dealing with people who become injured or ill. Following first aid protocols will enable you to make good decisions and deal appropriately with situations that may occur.
The Forest School First Aid course covers first aid for Adults, children and can also include infants as your group could include adult leaders, assistants and helpers, children and maybe also adults with babies. If you run family days or open learning sessions you may have anyone of any age become a casualty. On the two day Forest School First Aid course you will become proficient at the basics of first aid and know how to apply these skills in the outdoor environment.
I am Maxine, the main trainer for this course, I am a qualified teacher, have been involved in outdoor learning for over 20 years and truly understand this learning and working environment. I have worked with children from nursery age right through to teenagers making use of the outdoors as an environment for development in all aspects of learning. I now deliver many different types of First Aid training but my particular specialisms are Forest School First Aid, Paediatric First Aid and Outdoor First Aid.
Peritia Training is a centre that delivers quality, sector specific, first aid courses. I firmly believe in delivering courses in learning environments that reflect the areas that candidates work in, and making the course applicable to the needs of those learners.
Bradfield Woods, Suffolk
For this reason our Forest School First aid course always includes outdoor scenarios.
On the Forest School First Aid course learners will cover the following topics:
Role and responsibilities of a first Aider
Vital signs
Unconscious casualties
CPR and use of AED
Bleeding and shock
Minor injuries
Limb injury
Head and Spine injuries
Medical conditions
Effects of heat/ cold
Bites and stings
All of the above course content is delivered in the context of the outdoor environment in which you will be working. Most of the time we will learn how to deal with casualties in the wet and muddy conditions that we might expect in the outdoors. Occasionally we get sunshine and then can enjoy the luxury of looking after our casualties in more hospitable circumstances.
Outdoor scenarios are realistic and similar to what you might expect in your outdoor learning environment. A child who has tripped and grazed a knee, an insect in the eye, a fall from a log resulting in a sprained ankle, cold stress from the weather, an adult who is finding that their allergies or asthma are being triggered by the outdoors environment. All these and more are covered during the practical nature of the course.
So if you think this is the course for you why not take a look at our website and maybe book onto our next course. All of our Forest School First Aid courses also have the option of obtaining a Paediatric First Aid Certificate. This could be useful to you if you work in an Early Years setting such as a nursery or reception class. Doing both courses at the same time requires less days out of work and also less cost to either you or your employer.
Peritia Training is an ITC First accredited centre which ensures that our courses are all of the highest quality.