The power of community and networking
I run my own training company, I am the owner, the director, the book-keeper, the administrator, the trainer and assessor. I also created my own website, run my social media and answer all the emails!
Well I used to…
Now I have a team to support me and wow does it make a difference!
As well as help in running my business I have also sought out a community of other trainers and assessors that I can seek support from, discuss problems and get ideas for both personal and professional development. This has made a huge difference to my own confidence and ability and provides reassurance that I have someone to talk to, people that can support me, places to go when I am struggling with an issue or challenging learner.
So why is being part of a community so important?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs applied to education and learning
As we can see from the work of Abraham Maslow in 1943, humans have particular needs which need to be met in order to survive and thrive.
If we apply this to the teaching and learning environment we can see that once the physiological needs are met we then need to consider psychological needs.
So let’s consider what those mean for you as a trainer or assessor.
Recognition - do I have a community? Do I feel that I belong?
If you work within an organisation you may have colleagues, maybe also teaching the same subject. You may team teach or be able to shadow these colleagues and confirm that you are teaching to the correct level. Opportunities to develop your own confidence and understanding of your ability as a trainer can help you build this aspect of recognition.
Can you honestly say: ‘I am confident in my role as a trainer’, ‘I get great feedback from my learners on my courses’, and ‘Other trainers seek to team teach or observe me because I am respected in my professional role’.
If you work as a freelance trainer and assessor it can be harder to get this feeling of community. You may be essentially working on your own, turning up to deliver a course and then sending off the paperwork afterwards.
This is where online communities and membership groups can really come into their own.
Self Esteem - Am I developing and learning as a trainer and assessor?
Reflect on your own development. What have you done recently for CPD? This could be personal or professional development.
Many of us focus on subject knowledge when planning and completing CPD but, as I discussed in my previous blog, this is only one of three possible aspects.
Developing self esteem can be supported by self development - working on confidence, any blocks that you have, maybe around money or what you can achieve in life. Self esteem is also improved by working on your skills as a trainer - understanding how people learn, presentation skills, assessment processes and providing effective feedback to learners are all part of this.
Being part of a community of trainers and assessors can help to support these needs. Being an active part of a community leads to Self Actualisation and the support of others.
So here are some practical ideas that might help:
Join an online group maybe on Facebook or other platform. Find one that offers support, advice, training and the opportunity to network with others.
Here is the link to my Trainer and assessor support group on Facebook
Join a membership group. You will pay a monthly or annual fee but in return should get a load of value and an active supportive community.
Let me know in the comments below if you found this blog useful and have you found a community of support?